Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chapter 14 summaries

Classification writing is a widespread type of at colleges and universities. Some schools also practice giving students the task of composing a classification on one or several topics. This is a good way of organizing objects, materials or any other data using simple method of classification. This type allows you to rank a number of objects under several titles so that you can communicate with a person using the classification titles. You should include the definition of any process you are going to research. Classification is a system of grouping objects of study or observation in accordance with their common traits. A well-composed classification shows how well you understand its notion, functions and overall role for the research field. Being more or less conventional (respectively to the subject that fulfills it and its perception of “common signs”), the classification could help simplify the communication of people using it (if the perception of “common signs” is quite common). For example, in your paper you can use the concept of monotone function without having to apply each time to the definition that makes this a subset of the functions from multiple functions in general. Such classification can be taken into consideration when choosing an appropriate topic for your paper. The basis of classification that is for a person to use is referring objects to the different categories. What you need is to give your paper topic and instructions, in order to help writers make sense of large or complex sets of things.

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